Thursday, March 27, 2014

Get Rid of the Junk in the Trunk

Your car burns gas for energy. It's food for the engine, which­ is what makes the car run. The more work the car has to do, the more energy it needs. It's why large SUVs have worse gas mileage than small cars. The added weight of the SUV makes the car work harder.­

No matter what kind of car you drive, eliminating weight can go a long way toward increasing your car's fuel efficiency. Have a ski or bike rack on your car? Unless you're on your way to a ski trip or bike ride, take it off. That unused rack adds weight and wind resistance. If you're like most people, you probably have some junk in your trunk. Sports equipment, strollers, and gym bags are all hurting your fuel economy. The EPA estimates that for every extra 100 pounds your car caries, it loses 2 percent in fuel economy. By cleaning up your act, you can start on the road to saving.

Credit Cars

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