Thursday, May 22, 2014

Put the Mascara Down...Step Away from the Cell Phone...

Want to lower your chances of getting into a car accident? Stop grooming behind the wheel. Men, no more electric shaving!  Ladies, put the makeup down. Driving with these types of distractions, along with eating or using your cell phone significantly increases your chances of getting into an accident. Finish grooming before you leave the house– because it’s never worth the risk.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Here’s how NOT to get pulled over on your way home tonight

1. Have situational awareness.  If traffic begins to slow, don’t take it as your cue to weave in and out of lanes like a speed demon.  Chances are, there’s a good reason it’s coming to a halt.

2. Big Brother is everywhere, and he’s waiting for you to slip up.  When you hit the road, do so with the knowledge that you are being watched.  From speed traps to red light cameras to that police car parked at the bottom of the hill, all eyes are on you.  Drive accordingly.

3. Leave the glitz and glamor to the movie stars.  Try not to call any extra attention to yourself.  A bright red sports coupe with a vanity plate and a bunch of bumper stickers is far more likely to get caught speeding than the understated beige minivan next to it.

The best chance you have at not getting a ticket is to be polite.  Getting pulled over is a stressful event, but it’s important not to panic.  As soon as panic sets in, people incriminate themselves inadvertently by volunteering information or becoming argumentative. Remember: police officers mean it when they tell you anything you say can and will be used against you in court!

Friday, May 2, 2014

May is Military Appreciation Month

The month of May is set aside as a special time to honor our past and present military service members and their families for their contributions to our country. There are many activities you can do to observe the occasion! Here are some ideas we came up with:

-Learn about contributions of the U.S. Armed Forces through study or by visiting a historical monument.
-Write letters (or emails) of appreciation to military veterans in your life.
-Start a drive to provide items of comfort to those who are in veterans homes.
-Invite a service member to come and speak before an organization you are affiliated with.
-Share information about National Military Appreciation Month on social networking sites.

How will you show your appreciation?