Thursday, November 14, 2013

The World's Most Dangerous Highways: Russia's Trans-Siberian Highway

Connecting Moscow to Yakutsk, the coldest city on Earth, Russia's Federal Highway system stretches about 1000-miles across Siberia. During winter the highway becomes an icy death trap, with frozen steppes, icy lakes, mountainous snowdrifts, and the bone-chilling temperatures. During the few summer months, July through August, the 700-mile-long stretch of unpaved road leading to Yukutsk turns into a mud wallow overflowing with traffic.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Winter Car Care Tip: How to Unfreeze a Frozen Lock

It's a fact of life, that with winter weather comes rain, sleet, slush, snow, and ice. Not to mention freezing temperatures that wreak havoc on your vehicle. If you wake up on morning to a frozen car lock, we have just the steps to help you unfreeze it. 

1. First and foremost, try opening and checking all the other doors on your vehicle. If one of your vehicles passenger doors opens, you can get inside and start it. Once inside, simply allow your vehicle to run until the car heats up enough to thaw the driver's-side door.

2. If all your vehicles locks are frozen, try using a deicer. Spray the deicer around the frame of the door and give a few minutes to start working. Once you let it sit for awhile, try to gently open the door.

3. Lastly, if your vehicle doesn't open, do not force it or you may damage your vehicles door. Try using a hair dryer and an extension cord, to blow warm air on the car door until it releases and unfreezes.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Winter Car Care Tip: Splurge on the Cold Weather Package

While the possibility of buying a new vehicle may seem like a distant dream, it is still a good idea to consider all the facts. If you plan on getting a new vehicle before winter hits, consider spending a little extra money on a cold weather package. While some vehicle include such amenities as heated seats, windshield deicers, heated steering wheel, and heated washer nozzles- the colder the weather the more important it is to be prepared. When your vehicles windshield is clearly thawed and you're toasty within minutes, you'll be glad you spent the extra bucks.